Monday, July 30, 2007

painting therapy

Here are my pictures from the latest painting trip with The Artillerie guys. Just when we arrived at the botanical garden it started raining. A great place but totally overwhelming because I did not know where to start looking first with all this flowers and foliage. Then this old lady came with her umbrella and all of a sudden I found myself in this Spitzweg scenario.

I really liked the composition in this marker sketch. But not sure about the subject...

here is Benjamins stuff


Benjamin von Eckartsberg said...

Nice homework, Peter! The markersketch is great, but the enhanced color version rocks!
I´m waiting for the other ones.

Anders said...

woooow man!!!
what a colorwork! what a mood! what lights!

so impressive!!!

i can't believe those lights...

excellent!! can't wait for some more too!!!

Ryan Khatam said...

wow!! very nice, very impressive! great coloring!

craig said...

Hey Peter,
Yeah, it's been a busy coupla months. Glad to see you postin. The step by step is great!

Anonymous said...

Boooom baby, brilliant work Peter
thx for passing by!

cu cliffo

Anonymous said...

it was worth to wait the time you need for your new sketch and thanks for posting. I'll think i go on ;)

Peter Oedekoven said...

Very nice!!!
It almost looks like a "Blaue Reiter" painting.....

Rasha El Sawiy said...

hey Peter,
beautyfull work, very peacefull atmosphere...nice one!

greetings Rasha

chris chua said...

freakin awesome! love the color scheme and the composition...lovely

Unknown said...


Kisel.B said...

Scheee Zifix!

Unknown said...

Hi Peter, nun hast du wieder zeit für dich, wie man sieht :-) schön!!!
ich finde es sehr toll wie du die skizze erhältst und doch ein Bild daraus zauberst, das wie ein gemaltes aquarell aussieht...genial! Ach ja, wundervolles Licht!!!
LG! Dany

Anonymous said...

thanks to all of you for spreading good vibes and motivation. I'l be back with more soon...

Christian said...

The color version rocks so damn hard! *jerghs*
Great vital colors - und super, wie du noch an den Tonwerten gedreht hast.


Wow,beautiful picture!Almost a bit impressionistic.
I love the colors and the light.